Green School Progress
Green School Progress Recently in the Green Flag Committee we took part in a cycle safety course. Ellie and Seán from R.S.A. gave us some…
Green School Progress Recently in the Green Flag Committee we took part in a cycle safety course. Ellie and Seán from R.S.A. gave us some…
A retirement mass followed by a reception will take place for Mrs Mary Hernon on Saturday 31 January 2015 at 5:00pm. Mass will be concelebrated…
The Talisman Theatre Company will be presenting their show ‘The Three Little Pigs Night Before Christmas’ in the newly refurbished Leisureland Centre in Salthill on…
The Christmas concert will take place on Wednesday 17 December 2014 at 7pm! There will also be a raffle on the night.
Our fundraising 25 Card Drive will take place on 07 December 2014 at 7pm! Great prizes on the night. Spread the word!!
A day long Cycling Safety Training event will take place on Wednesday 26 November. The initiative will form part of our Green Schools Flag application….
School will be closed for mid term break from 27 October to 31 October inclusively
A major effort is being made currently to get all the pupils more active. Pocket planners to record the physical activity of the children have…
Mr Malachy Naughton a retired local science teacher held a workshop on the topic of soil with the pupils on the 10th of September. During…
Past pupil of Castlehackett N.S. and university student of music Ms Catherine McHugh returned to her Alma Mater on the 12th of September to enchant…