Re: Covid -19 and the latest position of Castlehackett N.S. relation to the matter
Dear Parents and Staff,
I realise this is quite an anxious time for you and your families and justifiably so.
However I wish to assure you that Castlehackett N.S. is doing all it can to ensure that the Coronavirus (Covid-19) does not enter our school. I’ve every confidence in all the measures we are taking. It would be remiss of me not to share with you what these measures are and how they apply to our school. This should help to comfort you all and allay some of your fears.
The Department of Education and consequently all schools in the country are taking instruction from the Chief Medical Officer (and his team) of the HSE, Dr Tony Holohan in relation to this matter. I advise you all to view www.hse.ie and www.education.ie (the Dept. of Education’s website) where the latest relevant school information in relation to Coronavirus (Covid-19) is posted. The link you require is the first item you’ll see on each landing page of both websites. Please also note that a link to a letter to parents from Dr Holohan is on our social media account and website.
We have undertaken many practical steps in school to ensure we do and continue to do all we can to ensure the health and safety of all our pupils and staff. Here is the most up-to-date list of the actions we have taken:
- Link to the letter from Dr Holohan on our website and social media account. https://www.education.ie/en/The-Department/Announcements/information-for-schools-preschools-and-third-level-institutions-on-the-coronavirus.html?fbclid=IwAR3ixNMTzc-iwilDs9xTKqF6tQrqUjSPjme_BZITUqSfaUXvRxx5GdOXckk#4
- This letter/statement that you are reading now.
- Posters re how to wash your hands properly have been circulated to all class teachers and all teachers have taught these necessary skills to their pupils.
- Soap levels are being checked regularly and ordered in advance.
- A special assembly was undertaken to once again teach the children good hand washing skills and appropriate sneezing etiquette. Also pupils were reminded not to touch their nose or mouth with their hands.
- Fresh Hand sanitizers have been placed at the main entrance on the wall on the left hand side.
- Student tables are being cleaned with an antibacterial surface cleaner.
- Staff and pupils are advised to stop shaking hands and giving high fives.
- Here is a link to the National Association of School Psychologists (N.A.S.P.) re. talking to children about COVID-19 (coronavirus). It’s a must read for every parent. https://www.nasponline.org/resources-and-publications/resources-and-podcasts/school-climate-safety-and-crisis/health-crisis-resources/talking-to-children-about-covid-19-(coronavirus)-a-parent-resource
- Covid-19 notices have been posted at the main entry points to the school.
- All families traveling from or travelling to overseas destinations in the coming weeks are asked to call the school and speak to me directly where details mentioned in the websites above will be explained and discussed in detail.
Finally, can I urge you all to keep a calm disposition. This would be most helpful and appreciated. Calm adults will help lessen anxiety among children. Together we will continue to work on this as best we can both at school and at home.
The truth of the matter is that Coronavirus (Covid-19) will be here for a while but we will cope and continue to support each other as best we can. It is important that we listen to the advice of the experts. It is a constantly evolving situation. Make it your business to be informed. I would advise any parent who wants further clarifications to contact the HSE help-desk directly on 041 6850300 and I’ll be in touch immediately should the situation relating to Castlehackett N.S. change in any way.
Also please note
- The school will be closed at 12:00 on Friday the 27th of March to facilitate training for the new Primary Language Curriculum.
- Reminder: The School is closed on Monday and Tuesday the 16th & 17th of March.
Is mise le meas,
David Reilly, principal and secretary of the B.O.M.