Free coding workshops from DojoMór 2022, funded by the HEA, will be running online, from 10am to 1pm, on Saturday 22nd October 2022, offering a range of activities to suit all ages and interests.
On the day, 24,000 students, from primary and secondary schools around Ireland, can learn to code in a fun and exciting virtual environment. This event is being supported by Munster Technological University, Atlantic Technological University, South East Technological University, Maynooth University, Dún Laoghaire Institute of Design Art and Technology Design, and Offaly County Council.
Coding Workshop List for DojoMór 2022:
Coding for Beginners with Lightbot
Build an App with Thunkable & Bubble
Code a Virtual Robot with VEX Code VR
Code like a Pro with HTML
Create a Story/Game with Scratch
Code a Micro-chip with Micro :bit
3D Modelling with Blender
Making Music with Soundtrap
The Magic of Augmented & Virtual Reality.
We would appreciate if you could share this with your teachers and students. For information and bookings –