What is Creative Schools?
• Supports schools to develop and begin to implement their own Creative School Plan as they
understand, develop and celebrate their engagement with the arts.
• Puts the arts and creativity at the heart of children’s and young people’s lives.
• Ensures that children and young people have a central role in the process and that their voices
are heard and incorporated into the development of activities and plans.
• Allocates funding to develop links between schools and artists and cultural organisations
locally and/or nationally.
• Develops new ways of working that reinforce the impact of the arts and creativity on students
learning, development and well-being.
Jojo Hynes is your Creative Associate
Jojo Hynes is a visual, collaborative artist and arts educator.
She has over ten years experience working in the U.K, Ireland and Australia.
Her arts practice encompasses a wide range of media from painting to film and performance.
What does the Creative Associate do?
• Uses creative approaches to collaborate with children, teachers, staff, parents and
management to investigate, develop, implement and evaluate creativity in your school.
• Gives children and young people a role in developing, implementing and evaluating the
Creative School Plan.
• Assists in creating or developing links between your school, artists and arts/cultural
organisations locally and/or nationally.
• Facilitates your school community to think in new and different ways to support your school to
develop a unique Creative School Plan for the arts and creativity.